A roadside batch plant preparing asphalt for repairing the road - which doesn't happen very often.
The most common sight in Uanda - a women carrying a large container of bananas on her head.
The children have no money for toys, so they create their own.
Need a broom, a mop, a floor mat . . . . .?
You never see an animal carrying anything. But, the people carry just about everything.
Even the chickens take the taxi here.
For the chickens that can't afford a taxi, they ride on a bike.
Ploughing the ground to make ready to plant sugar came.
Women are still the principle "beast" of burden.
You are seeing it right. That's an office chair sitting upside down on the passengers head. You can imagine the furniture store which advertises "We Deliver".
Look carefully . . . . That's right, the man is transporting a refrigerator on his bicycle. Again . . . "We Deliver".
The name of this outside meat market might have more to do with the quality of the meat than any spiritual implications.
The bicycle takes the place of the horse or donkey since it can carry a larger payload and doesn't have to be fed.
Transporting chickens on a boda boda.
The baby sleeps while the mother goes about her work with both hands free - a common sight.
Don't put your finger in there, you night get shocked.
Here it is easy to street preach and shop at the same time.
A hardware store on wheels.
A typical street lined with vendors selling anything from grilled chicken to women's dresses.
Furniture frames being taken to where they will pad and cover it and set it outside on the street to be sold.
You think a sheep riding on a boda boda is something . . . .
. . . how about this little piggy that went to market?
Either he is heading to work or making off with someone's wheel barrow.
Almost makes you feel like you're back in America. Unfortunately, the only thing that resembles the American fast food restaurant is the letters KFC.
Can you find the small child sandwiched in between what is hopefully the parents?
A truck with a 500-600 gallon tank in the back stops at a designated place where these delivery men fill up the 10 gallon milk can on the back of their bikes. The hose used to fill these cans looks much like the hose at a gasoline pump. The delivery men then ride along the streets where people come out of their homes with containers to be filled using the ladle he carries with him.
The small children basically grow up riding in these back packs. We have never seen a child crying while riding on its mother's back.
You can transport just about anything on a boda boda, . . . like 25 patio chairs.
The shoe department of this outdoor market across the street from the mission office.
They are setting up the moulds to make the popular squat pot toilet. Those leaning against the wall will now be coated with a white porcelain finish.
I'm sure she is getting her daily scripture reading in while she rides to work on a boda boda.
Chickens like plenty of fresh air while taking a taxi.
"You go out and move those cats away from the plane so we can begin loading our passengers."
"Not on your life; you go do it yourself."
"Maybe we can get one of the passengers to go out and do it."
"Good idea."
Is this the "Horn of Plenty"? Or is it plenty of horns?"