We're taking Snickerdoodles and a drink and handing them a graduation diploma!! How official!!
We had a nice conference in a big hotel - the Serena_ on Sunday and Elder Rasband of the Seventy and Elder Cook who is in our Area Presidency were the presiding authorities.
It was a very good meeting and by the time it was finished the big auditorium was pretty well full. It's not always the fault of the members when they're late - many things interfere with getting to and from in this city. Justin and Jane, our newly baptized converts, came and sat with us. Faustine thought it started at 10 - it started at 9 - so he was an hour late, but he found us and sat by us. All three are like family - wonderful people.
Our friends, Tiff and Eve, came to our apartment to discuss plans for their marriage, they were planning to get married in November, but they want us to be here for their wedding, so they are trying to make it work in May before we leave. They came at 10:30 and we finally took them to the church after 7:00 - it was fun to spend the day with them. They wanted to talk about everything, and so we did. They are both RM's and served in the same mission for a short time together. He is Muslim - well he was - we learned that his grandma and grandpa are members and just went to the temple in August - his mom is a member too - his dad is still Muslim.
They are a great couple and we're pretty connected to them - they call us mum and dad!! We're a bit old for that, but it's all in the eyes of the beholder!!
We finally finalized plans for our Safari with the couples for the 1,2,3 of Dec., so that's coming up soon. Safari's are always a great thing to look forward to, no matter how many times you get to go. A little more intense than going up the canyon, but the feelings are similar - great anticipation at the wonders of the world.
We went to a brand new shopping mall on Saturday with a pocket full of money. It is always a shocking experience to shell out hundreds of thousands of shillings when we check out.
Although it takes a lot of shillings, it only takes a few plastic bags to carry the groceries to the car. There is always someone anxious to help us to the car with our groceries hoping that we will offer them a tip, which we are happy to do.
The Mall is a large complex, with only the grocery store open now, but when it gets filled, it will be like many of our malls - very inviting with everything new and clean - and not many things you could think of that you might want that are not there.
While at the mall, Elder Thayn had three individuals who were curious about our badges approach him wanting to know about the church. It kind of takes the "work" out of missionary work.
They were laying asphalt on the parking lot, by hand. By hand means building a fire under a large metal tub in which they melt the tar before adding pea-gravel and mixing it with shovels.
The heated mixture is shovelled into wheelbarrows and spread on the dirt - a very thin layer. We call it "photo-finish".
Since we are now in the rainy season, we generally get a nice rain most days, so everything is green and lush making it a beautiful place to live.
This is the view from our apartment during one of those times when it rains cats and dogs.
We are happy to learn that two of our women that we helped apply for an endowment fund grant from the church to further their education were awarded the money. It's pretty exciting since only 5 women in all of Southeast Africa received it and two were ours - they were selected from many and the selection was made by Sister Beck and her counselors. Quite an honor. One of the women, Olivia, is a very dear friend and a "Mother Teresa" in Uganda.
We are well and happy and hoping to make a difference with someone, somewhere in our missionary wanderings. We're grateful for our opportunity to be here, we miss all of you and are anxious to be with you again - but until then, we'll continue enjoying this beautiful land and the wonderful people.